See What’s Developing

Cottages BrightPath

What’s Next?

See What’s Developing

The Cottages on Mountain Creek and Bright Path Program
have been busy over the last two years.


Program Features

The Cottages on Mountain Creek and Bright Path Program are pleased to announce the following milestones:

Updated Programming

Over the last two years, we have accomplished the following program additions and/or enhancements:

Dr. Jeffrey Rausch (psychiatrist/addictionologist) oversees the Out-Patient Drug and Alcohol Program.

Housing Additions

Successfully completing and licensure of our second Residential Treatment Home (24/7) for higher level of care (total of 16 licensed beds).

Team Additions

Jessica Zollinger, R.N. (CNO) and Sarah Tyser, R.N. have recently joined our professional staff.

Soothing Environment

Stay Tuned for more GOOD NEWS about Our Programming and Advancements